Is Your Position Description Up-to-Date?
Administrators and supervisors are responsible for ensuring that position descriptions accurately reflect the work performed by their staff. As part of the performance evaluation process, administrators and staff are asked to review and update their position descriptions. If you haven’t yet done so, please go to the Job Wizard and review your position description to ensure it accurately reflects your current role. For position description guidance, including Job Wizard help, please visit the New Supervisor Toolkit.
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Deadline Reminder for Administrative Aides: Enter Fall FLAC Workload for Faculty by August 31, COB
Classes start on August 31, 2020. Faculty Load and Compensation (FLAC) entries for term 202120 is now open. In order for part-time faculty to be paid by September 11, 2020, all FLAC entries must be completed and locked by COB Monday, August 31, 2020. After the FLAC upload has been completed, please use Electronic Personal Action Forms (EPAFs) to get part-time faculty jobs into the Banner system. View more information about FALC/EPFAs for Part-time Faculty.
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Is Your Voicemail Greeting Current?
The College is standardizing voice mail messages during the emergency remote operations. Please use the suggested greeting below on your voice mail. Please have staff who have routine contact with external entities to do the same. A consistent message is essential.
Hello, This is <name> in <office or department name> at Montgomery College. The College is open, however, we are currently working remotely as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and may not be able to check missed calls regularly. I am checking voicemail throughout the day and will return your call shortly. Please contact me at (provide your email address) or leave a voice message. Thank you.
View job aids on using college phones when remote.
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Contribute Your Skills: Talent Share Program
In response to the challenges of COVID-19, HRSTM created an opportunity for employees to share their talents and expertise across Montgomery College. Employees who participate in this program can increase visibility and connections to the MC community while staying safe working in remote status. The Talent Share Program participants have the opportunity to:
- Collaborate with other units and teams to support departments across the College.
- Increase network and connections Collegewide.
- Contribute transferable skills while adding to professional growth and development.
If you are a supervisor and your department has employees who can support others with increased workloads through the Talent Share Program, please visit Talent Share Program and click “contribute talent form” to initiate the process.
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Update Your Personal Contact Information for Contact Tracing
In alignment with Montgomery College’s COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan, and to assist in contact tracing, we ask that all employees update their personal contact information in Workday. See the Workfront job aid for step-by-step instructions on updating your information. You can access Workday by logging on to MyMC.
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Back Issues of Employee Matters Newsletter Online
Miss an issue? Find current and previous issues of the Employee Matters newsletter, as well as other Human Resources and Strategic Talent Management news and employee communications here.
Suggestion for the Newsletter?
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Important Dates
Thursday, August 27
Governance Training Zoom meetings: 9 a.m.–noon, all members 2–4 p.m., all officers Email for information.
Friday, August 28 10–11:30 a.m.
ELITE Workshop: “Creating Strong Teacher Presence to Motivate and Engage Students in the Online Environment” More information
Monday, August 31
MC fall 2020 semester classes begin.
Thursday, September 3Timesheets due by noon (early deadline due to Labor Day holiday, College closed)
Monday, September 7
College closed for Labor Day holiday.
Daily Stretch Breaks
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| College Resources and COVID-19 Information
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Join MC Employee Facebook Group
Stay up to date on the latest news by joining our private MC employee Facebook group. This group is only open to MC employees and will require approval to join.
Let’s stay connected.
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