We Want Your Feedback: Topics for Live Virtual askHR Forums
Previously held in-person and on the campuses, the Office of Human Resources and Strategic Talent Management (HRSTM) is now planning for virtual askHR sessions. During each session, faculty and staff will have the opportunity to receive timely information as well as pose questions and discuss critical issues with HRSTM leaders. Meeting topics will cover a wide range of human resources-related topics and will be determined by what employees want to hear. Please let us know the top three subjects you’d like us to cover.
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Three Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus Library Employees Participate in Talent Share Program
When asked why Access Services Supervisor Deborah Newman encouraged members of her team to participate in the Talent Share program, she said:
“Simply put, our colleagues in other departments needed help in providing services. All college employees are facing new challenges in this virtual learning environment. And as educators, what we do impacts students‘ success.”
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Questions for Upcoming Budget Forums Due by October 23
The Montgomery College community will have an opportunity to learn more about budget planning and ask questions during online budget forums scheduled on October 29 at 10 a.m. and October 30 at 2 p.m. Please submit your budget questions by October 23. Links for participating in the forums via Facebook and YouTube will be shared soon.
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Open Enrollment Starts on Monday, October 26
“I have had some changes in my life events this year and wasn't sure what health plan is right for me. Thank you so much, ALEX, for going through my circumstances and helping me decide what health plan is right for me. If you're not sure what health plan is best for you, visit ALEX, your virtual benefits advisor.” —Monty the Raptor
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MC Library Offers Popular Online Magazines in Digital Flip Format to Employees and Students
This fall, the Montgomery College Library team has been working to move online magazine subscriptions to a digital format so the College community can read them from home during remote operations. The library now has access to digital copies of more than 70 magazines through Flipster for current Montgomery College students and employees. Available online digital magazines include popular titles for many topics of interest, like sports and fitness (Sports Illustrated, Health), entertainment and fashion (People, Essence, Vogue), cooking and home (Bon Appétit, Better Homes and Gardens), and news (Time, The New Yorker, The Atlantic), as well as many, many more. To learn more, visit the libraries home page to view step-by-step video instructions on how to access the digital magazines with Flipster.
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Reminder: HRICs Host Virtual Office Hours
The Human Resources Internal Consultants (HRIC) are hosting virtual office hours once a week for their designated campuses via Zoom. Employees will be able to enter a Zoom waiting room to briefly chat with their HRIC regarding any HRSTM questions or concerns. Each discussion will be private and the HRIC will ensure only one employee at a time is allowed into the meeting. Employees will be brought into the meeting in the order of arrival into the Zoom waiting room.
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Back Issues of Employee Matters Newsletter Online
Miss an issue? Find current and previous issues of the Employee Matters newsletter, as well as other Human Resources and Strategic Talent Management news and employee communications here.
Suggestion for the Newsletter?
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| Important Dates
Friday, October 23
Monday, October 26
Open Enrollment begins.
Daily Stretch Breaks
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| Is Your Contact Information Up to Date in Workday?
In alignment with the College’s COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan, and to assist in contact tracing, we ask that all employees update their personal contact information in Workday. See the job aid for step-by-step instructions on updating your information. You can access Workday by logging on to MyMC.
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| College Resources and COVID-19 Information
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Join the 10K-a-Day Step Challenge Now Through November 22Team or individual challenge options! This step program motivates participants to walk more as they visit international cities, including Florence, Tokyo, Berlin, Auckland, Paris, and New Orleans. Whether a beginner or avid exerciser, this wellness campaign is for everyone. Note: All teams must be formed by Monday, November 2. Register.
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Join MC Employee Facebook Group
Stay up to date on the latest news by joining our private MC employee Facebook group. This group is only open to MC employees and will require approval to join.
Let’s stay connected.
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