College’s COVID-19-Related Leave Policy Updated January 1
Congress enacted the Families First Coronavirus Response Act of 2020 (FFCRA) effective April 1, 2020, which required certain employers to provide eligible employees with emergency paid sick leave benefits and/or expanded family leave benefits for certain, specific reasons related to contracting COVID-19, quarantining because of it, or caring for a family member with it. The FFCRA expired on December 31, 2020 and Congress has declined to extend the leave benefits required under the FFCRA beyond December 31, 2020.
Based on this change, the College has modified the COVID-19-related leave provisions. As of January 1, 2021, FFCRA sick leave and FMLA extensions are no longer available for all College benefits-eligible employees who accrue or are granted paid sick and other types of leave. The College’s robust leave program for benefited employees continues to offer employees multiple options to address the need for leave, even without the FFCRA.
For employees who do not receive paid leave benefits, which includes part-time faculty, casual temporary staff, and student workers, the College will voluntarily extend the types of paid leave authorized under FFCRA through March 31, 2021. View more information and how to track leave.
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HRICs Ammerman, Jones Support New Areas
Due to recent changes in staffing on the Human Resources Internal Consultant (HRIC) team, Carla Ammerman and Leslie Jones will be supporting new areas. Please email Carla or Leslie directly if you need support in areas such as performance management, training, talent share, or general questions for the Office of Human Resources and Strategic Management (HRSTM).
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Carla Ammerman
Rockville Campus • Gaithersburg Business Training Center • Westfield South (Wheaton) • Central Services Offices (President, Business Services, Student Affairs, and Academic Affairs) Join Zoom Waiting Room: Tuesdays, noon–2 p.m. Meeting ID: 920 3023 1474; password: MEETCARLA
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Leslie Jones
Germantown Campus • Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus • Central Services Offices (Advancement and Community Engagement, Collegewide Facilities and Public Safety, HRSTM, and Information Technology) Join Zoom Waiting Room: Fridays, 10 a.m.–noon Meeting ID: 759 404 0464; password: MEETLESLIE
Carla and Leslie will continue to hold their same regularly scheduled office hours; feel free to drop by for a visit!
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College Ombuds Allison Whaley Available to Assist Employees
The Office of the Ombuds is an independent, neutral and impartial, confidential, and informal resource that all Montgomery College employees—staff, faculty, administrators, temporary employees, and student employees—may use to voluntarily seek free guidance or assistance in resolving workplace disputes or concerns without fear of retaliation or loss of privacy. The Office of the Ombuds assists employees by providing a safe place to share information and collaboratively develop strategies and options that address concerns or challenges in productive and positive ways.
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Disability Benefit Available for Maryland State Retirement and Pension System (SRPS) Members
SRPS members, did you know you there is a disability benefit available to you through your state retirement plan? If you are permanently and totally disabled from performing your job duties as determined by the state’s medical board, you may be eligible for a lifetime monthly disability benefit. Ordinary disability applies to any permanently disabling physical or mental condition. You must have accrued at least five years of eligibility service in order to file for this benefit. It is very important to make your family members or your personal representative aware of this benefit, should you be diagnosed with a terminal illness and/or become incapacitated, as forms must be filed with the state to begin the process. For more information, please see Guide to Disability Retirement on the SRPS pamphlets website. Member forms are available on the state’s website at
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Did You Miss the Virtual Spring Opening Meeting?
View the pre-recorded online presentation here. MC President DeRionne P. Pollard and other College leaders reflect on our new normal and the accomplishments of the past year with a look forward to the challenges and goals of the coming year. The Spring 2021 Opening Meeting presentation celebrates how MC is proud, strong, and resilient!
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Back Issues of Employee Matters Newsletter Online
Miss an issue? Find current and previous issues of the Employee Matters newsletter, as well as other Human Resources and Strategic Talent Management news and employee communications here.
Suggestion for the Newsletter?
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| Important Dates Friday, January 22Timesheets due by noon.
Monday, January 25
MC spring 2021 semester classes begin.
January 25 through Monday, February 15 Part-time faculty Good Faith Consideration Assignment application opening period for fall 2021 and spring 2022.
Weekly Stretch Breaks
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| Talent Share Opportunities
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Is Your Contact Information Up-to-Date in Workday?
In alignment with the College’s COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan, and to assist in contact tracing, we ask that all employees update their personal contact information in Workday. See the job aid for step-by-step instructions on updating your information. You can access Workday on MyMC.
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| College Resources and COVID-19 Information
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The MC Next Generation Wellness program offers online classes daily, including arms and cardio, barre sculpt, core power, dance rhythms, legs and core, weights and cardio, yoga, Zumba ®, and more. See the wellness schedule for days and times.
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Join MC Employee Facebook Group
Stay up to date on the latest news by joining our private MC employee Facebook group. This group is only open to MC employees and will require approval to join.
Let’s stay connected.
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