MC Employment Verification Letters Provided Upon Request for Phase 1C COVID-19 Vaccinations
Some vaccination providers, including the “mass vaccination” sites operated by the state, will vaccinate Montgomery College employees on the basis that the state has moved to Phase 1C. This includes employees in the higher education sector, such as faculty, staff, and administrators. Providers offering the vaccine on this basis may require a verification of your employment.
Current MC employees can request an employment verification letter by sending an email from their College-issued email address to the HRSTM Virtual Help Desk. HRSTM will provide the employment verification letter in PDF format so that it can either be printed or downloaded to a mobile device.
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MC Governance Nominations Open Through March 10
Montgomery College employees are eligible to serve on one of the 13 governance councils for the coming academic year. If you are passionate, wish to have your voice heard, and interested in helping to make a difference at the College, you are just the person we are looking for. Every year there are vacancies on every campus council, constituent council, and functional council that need to be filled by MC employees, and this year is no exception. Nominations are open now through March 10 and elections will run from March 29–April 9. Refer to the 2021 Governance Nominations memo for details and how to nominate. You may even nominate yourself.
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Conversations with Leadership Live March 4 “Healthy People, Safer Spaces: Next Steps” Join MC President DeRionne Pollard for another Conversations with Leadership: Resilient MC livestream event as she discusses “Healthy People, Safer Spaces: Next Steps.” Dr. Pollard will be joined by the College’s four senior vice presidents: Dr. Monica Brown, Dr. Sanjay Rai, Ms. Donna Schena, and Mr. David Sears. To watch this virtual event visit Facebook or YouTube.
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Update for Purchasing Small Technology-Related Peripherals and Supplies
As the College continues to work in a remote environment, IT Resource Management has consistently received a large number of hardware requests for technology. It has been determined that the purchase of small technology-related peripherals should be made by individual College departments, using their supply accounts. This decision helps support productivity during this structured remote teaching and working environment. View the guidelines to temporarily modify or suspend respective purchasing procedures. If you have any questions, please contact the IT Service Desk.
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Thank You for Your Participation in the Survey
We want to thank the more than 1400 employees who responded to the survey. ModernThink will review and conduct a thoughtful analysis of the data and provide their findings to the College. Look for upcoming updates about our next steps.
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For Your Benefit
Information and Events from the HRSTM Benefits Team
Thinking About Retirement?
The Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) will be hosting pre-retirement webinars for those enrolled in the Maryland State Retirement and Pension System (SRPS) who are within eight years of retirement. The webinars cover the same topics as the in-person sessions. New dates are available for the full-day pre-retirement webinars. Webinars run 9 a.m.–4 p.m. and are open to members and their spouses. Upcoming webinars are scheduled for March 10–11 (scheduled over two evenings), March 23, April 9, and April 20. After registration, participants will receive a link to the webinar. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Sarah Moore. Register.
“Social Security and Your Retirement” Webinar
Achieving a secure and comfortable retirement takes careful financial planning. Understanding the role of Social Security will help you develop an effective retirement strategy that meets your needs and brings peace of mind. Attend the “Social Security and Your Retirement” webinar to learn more. Register with registration code: HCCPWA11AA.
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Employee Connections Program Offers Webinars to Support Employees
Join one or all of these webinars to connect with, share ideas, and support one another across the College.
Overcoming Financial Obstacles SeriesFriday, March 12, 2 p.m. “Voya presents: Pension Maximization Wednesday, April 7, 2 p.m. "AIG Presents: Social Security and Your Retirement" Register for one or more webinars.
Mental Health Education Series
Thursday, March 25, 11 a.m. "Coping with Family Mental Health" Register for webinar.
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| Important Dates Thursday, March 4
MC Conversations with Leadership: Resilient MC livestream event. Watch on Facebook or YouTube.
Friday, March 5
Timesheets due at noon.
Wednesday, March 10
Friday, March 12
Weekly Stretch Breaks
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| Talent Share Opportunities
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Is Your Contact Information Up-to-Date in Workday?
In alignment with the College’s COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan, and to assist in contact tracing, we ask that all employees update their personal contact information in Workday. See the job aid for step-by-step instructions on updating your information. You can access Workday on MyMC.
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| College Resources and COVID-19 Information
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All new and past wellness members must enroll via Workday to receive wellness information and incentives. View how to enroll.
Visit MC Wellness to view class schedules, wellness forms and resources.
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Join MC Employee Facebook Group
Stay up to date on the latest news by joining our private MC employee Facebook group. This group is only open to MC employees and will require approval to join.
Let’s stay connected.
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Back Issues of Employee Matters Newsletter Online
Miss an issue? Find current and previous issues of the Employee Matters newsletter and other Human Resources and Strategic Talent Management news and employee communications here.
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