Update on COVID-19 Vaccine Prioritization
As previously communicated in a collegwide memo on March 1, Montgomery College employees who are currently working on-site at a campus or College location have been identified to the County for priority status for access to receive the COVID-19 vaccination. Yesterday, March 16, the County began sending email notifications to these eligible employees. There are two different email notifications being sent. The first, with the subject line “1st Dose Vaccination Notification,” indicates that the recipient has been identified as eligible for a vaccination. The second email, with the subject line “COVID-19 Registration Invitation,” provides instructions for how to schedule an appointment.
The invitation and link are specifically tied to the recipient's name. The link can only be used one time by the recipient only. Under no circumstances should the link be shared.
If you have already been vaccinated and/or already have an appointment elsewhere and no longer need to be vaccinated through the County, please simply ignore the emails. The vaccination opportunity will be made available to another individual on the County's list. If you have any questions, please contact HRSTM.
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Celebrating Women’s History Month: Our First Woman Vice PresidentMarch 30 Webinar Hosted by the Office of Equity and Inclusion
History was made when our 49th vice president, Kamala Harris, was sworn in as the first woman to hold the office, the first black woman, and the first woman of South Asian descent, among several of her barrier-breaking firsts in a country reeling from generations of racial injustice. In celebration of Women’s History Month, the Office of Equity and Inclusion presents “Let’s Talk! The Force Behind our First Female Vice President Kamala Harris, Alpha Kappa Alpha: Black and Multicultural Greek Organizations” webinar on Tuesday, March 30, 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m. Visit MC Learns through Workday to register. For more information or questions, please contact the Office of Equity and Inclusion.
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Back Issues of Employee Matters Newsletter Online
Miss an issue? Find current and previous issues of the Employee Matters newsletter, as well as other Human Resources and Strategic Talent Management news and employee communications here.
Suggestion for the Newsletter?
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For Your Benefit
Information and Events from the HRSTM Benefits Team
Why Self-Care Matters
Self-care is extremely important and the lack thereof may impact our lives in big ways. On the busiest of days, or even when the waters are calm, we have much to do each day to stay healthy in body, mind, and spirit. Allowing time for self-care activities can also help us remain resilient when things get stressful or overwhelming. For more information, view the basics of self-care. You may also enjoy Cigna’s Wellness Webcast about resilience in challenging times.
Cigna also has a variety of mindfulness and stress management podcasts that are offered through the Changing Lives by Integrating Mind and Body program, or CLIMB. The CLIMB program helps to incorporate mindfulness and stress management in your everyday life. Even if you are not a participant in the Cigna health plans, the CLIMB podcasts are available in English and Spanish and they can teach you simple methods to calm the mind and body and strengthen awareness. Cigna members can call member services at (800) 274-7603 to find out even more about the CLIMB program.
Refresher on 403b and 457b Plans
Certified Financial Planner Jeff Wheeler from Voya is available for online MC 403b and 457b supplemental retirement plan sign-up/review Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. View the schedule and register.
Compassionate Leadership Webinar
Kaiser Permanente is hosting a Workforce Health Virtual Learning Circle for Leadership, HR Leaders and Managers, Thursday, March 25, 12 noon. Once you register you will receive a confirmation email with instructions for joining the online session. Learn more and register.
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College ID Card Request Available Online
Employees hired during remote operations who didn't receive a Montgomery College ID card, can now request a College-issued ID online. You will need to enter your title, department name, and upload a photo of yourself. Photos must be the head and shoulder area only and be on a white or light-colored background. The electronic form can be found in several locations on the HRSTM website: on the Hiring Documentation webpage, in the Supervisor Toolkit, and on the COVID-19 Employee Assistance webpage under “Recently Hired?” in the right column.
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Employee 2021 Tax Withholding Change Process Now Online
Employees can now make changes to their Federal and state tax withholding elections by visiting the Employee Tax Withholding Change Request website, allowing secure submission of your changes directly to the Payroll team. You will be required to enter your MyMC credentials to securely access and complete the form. The website includes links to the Federal and state tax withholding documents you will still need to complete and upload. Please use your M# where the form(s) ask for your SSN. Contact the Payroll Team for information.
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FY21 Compensation Market Study Underway
The Office of Human Resources and Strategic Talent Management (HRSTM), in partnership with Segal Consulting, is conducting a market study of the College’s compensation system. To learn more about the purpose, methodology, timeline and stakeholder engagement view the memo. Information and resource materials including frequently asked questions (FAQs), compensation philosophy, and more can be accessed on the FY21 Compensation Market Study webpage. Specific questions may be sent to classification and compensation.
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Employee Data Dashboard Updated for March
The Office of Human Resources and Strategic Talent Management (HRSTM) recently created an employee data dashboard to provide general data about Montgomery College employees on a regular basis and to encourage self-service to on-demand information and resources. The data for March has been updated to include general information such as the total employee headcount with a breakdown by employee type and demographic groups. We hope this dashboard will help you in planning, answering questions, and better understanding MC employee trends.
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| Important Dates Thursday, March 18
Timesheets due at noon. (Early deadline due to spring break on March 19)
Friday, March 19
Spring break; College closed
Thursday, March 25
“Eating Healthy at Home” webinar, 12:15–1:15 p.m. Register
Friday, March 26
Tuesday, March 30
11:30 a.m.–1 p.m. “Let’s Talk! The Force Behind our First Female Vice President Kamala Harris, Alpha Kappa Alpha: Black and Multicultural Greek Organizations” webinar Visit MC Learns to register.
Weekly Stretch Breaks
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| Talent Share Opportunities
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Is Your Contact Information Up-to-Date in Workday?
In alignment with the College’s COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan, and to assist in contact tracing, we ask that all employees update their personal contact information in Workday. See the job aid for step-by-step instructions on updating your information. You can access Workday on MyMC.
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| College Resources and COVID-19 Information
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Upcoming Events “Eating Healthy at Home” March 25, 12:15–1:15 p.m.
Next Generation Wellness and a certified nutritionist share healthy ways to eat at home while using whole, fresh, and real ingredients. Register for webinar.
“Strive to Organize” Wellness ChallengeMarch 29–April 10
Score points for completing simple tasks to get decluttered and more organized. Register
All new and past wellness members must enroll via Workday to receive wellness information and incentives. View how to enroll.
Visit MC Wellness to view class schedules, wellness forms and resources.
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Join MC Employee Facebook Group
Stay up to date on the latest news by joining our private MC employee Facebook group. This group is only open to MC employees and will require approval to join.
Let’s stay connected.
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