Germantown Campus Mass Vax Site Welcomes Walk-ins
This week, the mass vaccination site at Montgomery College Germantown Campus began accepting walk-ins without an appointment. Those community members who do not have a scheduled appointment can come to the campus between 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. and receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Pre‑registering for a scheduled appointment is still encouraged.
If you are coming to the campus to receive your vaccine, please enter at the Observation Drive entrance off Route 118/Germantown Road. For those who are not driving, Ride On offers a shuttle between the Shady Grove Metro Station and the Montgomery College-Germantown Campus vaccination site.
Montgomery College strongly encourages everyone to get a COVID-19 vaccine. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that anyone eligible to receive the vaccine, should do so as soon as possible. Widespread vaccination is a critical tool to help stop the pandemic.
As a reminder, Montgomery College is hosting the vaccination site, but is not involved in the registration process to receive the vaccine. Pre‑registration is required at the county website or state website.
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“Your Voice, Your MC” Survey Findings Information Sessions Scheduled May 6 and 11
ModernThink has completed the review of the survey response data and prepared a report of the findings. The report provides a summary of the organizational competencies and relationships that most directly impact and influence Montgomery College’s culture. ModernThink is sharing the results of the survey findings with College stakeholders through a series of information sessions for the College community.
Information Session Schedule:
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Learn More About the Compensation Market Study
On March 4, the Office of Human Resources and Strategic Talent Management (HRSTM) announced a market study of the College’s compensation system.
An important element of this study is to provide learning opportunities for employees. If you are interested in learning about the strategy of Montgomery College’s compensation structure and the market study methodology, you are invited to attend a virtual information briefing.
Topics will include:
- Total rewards compensation model
- Market study methodology
- Support and resources
Information Session Schedule:- Thursday, May 20, 10–11:30 a.m. | Register
- Monday, May 24, 3–4:30 p.m. | Register
To register for an information session, visit Workday Learning > Topics > Compliance, Ethics and MC Policies > Compensation Market Study Information Briefing.
Visit the Market Study page of the HRSTM website for more information and resources including the list of benchmark jobs, timeline, and FAQs.
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Employee Connections Webinars Offered to Support Employees
HRSTM established the Employee Connections Group program to facilitate opportunities for employees to come together as a community via Zoom meetings to enrich personal experiences and build community. The Employee Connections Group program also offers these upcoming webinars.
Overcoming Financial Obstacles Series
Monday, May 24, 3 p.m. Equitable presents: “Student Loan Forgiveness” Friday, June 11, noon Voya presents: “The Differences Between 403(b) and 457(b) Retirement”
Mental Health Education Series
Tuesday, May 18, noon “Anxiety and Depression with Stephanie Will” Thursday, May 27, 2 p.m. FSAP presents: “Understanding Depression” Monday, June 14, 11 a.m. “Coping with Family Mental Health with Stephanie Will”
Questions About the Program?
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The P. Paul Pollard Scholarship Fund
Mr. P. Paul Pollard, father of President DeRionne Pollard, passed away earlier last week. Dr. Pollard shared the following on Twitter last week: “My father became a feminist the day I was born because he didn’t believe there was anything his girls couldn’t do.”
Dr. Pollard appreciates the many messages of sympathy that she has received. Since she has had inquiries about memorial contributions, she asks that they be directed to The P. Paul Pollard Generational ACES Scholarship by selecting the dropdown box with his name under “Scholarship Fund.”
Contact Colleen Dolak, annual fund manager, for more information.
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| Important Dates Thursday, May 6, 1–2 p.m.
May 6 and 11
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Friday, May 14
Timesheets due at noon.
Tuesday, May 18
Weekly Stretch Breaks
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| Is Your Contact Information Up-to-Date in Workday?
In alignment with the College’s COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan, and to assist in contact tracing, we ask that all employees update their personal contact information in Workday. See the job aid for step-by-step instructions on updating your information. You can access Workday on MyMC.
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| College Resources and COVID-19 Information
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All new and past wellness members must enroll via Workday to receive wellness information and incentives.
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| Back Issues of Employee Matters Newsletter Online
Miss an issue? Find current and previous issues of the Employee Matters newsletter and other Human Resources and Strategic Talent Management news and employee communications here.
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Join MC Employee Facebook Group
Stay up to date on the latest news by joining our private MC employee Facebook group. This group is only open to MC employees and will require approval to join.
Let’s stay connected.
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