Update to COVID-19 Testing and Quarantine Requirements for College Employees
With the current increased demand for COVID-19 testing, the College is aware that there are delays in the return of testing results for those employees who are required to undergo weekly COVID-19 testing. Due to these circumstances, please see the temporary testing and quarantine requirements that will be accepted on a temporary basis and until further notice.
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Part-Time Faculty News: SEIU Good Faith Consideration Available
The Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Local 500 and Montgomery College for part-time faculty, allows for a Good Faith Consideration (GFC) Assignments application for fall 2022 and spring 2023 semesters.The application opens 12 a.m. on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, and closes at 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, February 15, 2022. All bargaining unit “eligible” members are encouraged to apply for GFC. To learn more about GFC, please review Article 7: Assignments, in the CBA between SEIU and Montgomery College. All bargaining unit-eligible applicants will receive an email communication to their College email address regarding their “Assignment” application status, on or before March 15, 2022. Please email questions and requests for support to Elline Damirdjian.
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OBS Provides Ongoing Support for Workday Business Processes
The Office of Business Services (OBS) Procurement Office is holding ongoing Zoom meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday of each week, from 1:30–2:30 p.m., to provide assistance to the College community in the use of the following Workday business processes and information related to budgets:
Meetings will be held until further notice. Join Zoom Meeting | Meeting ID: 993 6403 5890 | Passcode: 398075
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Workday is Open! Important Reminders
As of January 3, Workday is open and you can access MC Learns through Workday for FY22 required trainings and other professional development offerings. All College employees can now enter time off and hourly employees can enter their time worked. Payroll and Finance are now fully live.
Action Items for Employees in WorkdayAll Employees:
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Continue to enter time off for December 25, 2021 and beyond. Even if your supervisor already approved leave requests outside of Workday, all time off must be entered in Workday to be properly accounted for.
Non-Exempt (Hourly) Employees and Their Supervisors:Begin to enter hours worked for the January 8-21, 2022 pay period on a regular basis. Employees must submit timesheets and supervisors must approve by noon on Friday, January 21, 2022 (hourly employees only). Please plan to enter time daily, which allows Payroll to review on an ongoing basis and follow up to assist employees and supervisors.
Only non-exempt (hourly) employees report hours worked on timesheets in Workday; exempt (salary) employees do not have timesheets in Workday.
EAP Request Process Now Initiated in Workday
As of January 3, 2022, employees will initiate the Educational Assistance Program (EAP) request process in Workday. Any current EAP requests held until January 3 should now be initiated in Workday. Please refer to Workday Training for information. Additional videos, trainings, open labs, and resources are being developed. Please stay tuned for more details.
Workday Training Resources Available
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Tips on Who to Contact for Answers to Your Payslip Questions
When looking at your payslip, it is often an automatic response to contact the Payroll Services team directly for answers. However, depending on the issue or question, Payroll is not always the best “first responder” or subject matter expert for assistance. Understanding the difference between “what we are paid” and “how we are paid” will lead you to the best source for answers to your questions and additional support.
What We Are Paid Subject Matter Experts: Relevant HRSTM Functional Team
This includes our rate of pay, whether hourly or salary, as well as deductions in terms of benefits, retirement, parking fees, union dues, etc. These aspects of pay are not managed by Payroll, but by other Office of Human Resources and Strategic Talent Management (HRSTM) functional areas (e.g., Classification and Compensation, Employee and Labor Relations, Benefits and Retirement Services, etc.) that can provide the relevant guidance and assistance.
How We Are PaidSubject Matter Experts: Payroll Services in HRSTM
This includes our tax withholdings and payment elections which are managed and processed by Payroll based on employee elections. For these questions, Payroll Services is your best source for answers and solutions.
During the Workday transition, employees should continue to contact the IT Service Desk for assistance with all Workday issues.
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| Important DatesThursday, January 20
“Period Activity Pay” Workday training (for academic aides and WDCE partners) via Zoom, 2–4 p.m. Visit MC Learns through Workday.
Friday, January 21
Tuesday, January 25
Tuesday, January 25 and Wednesday, January 26
Workday Business Processes, 1:30–2:30 p.m. Ongoing Zoom meetings hosted by the Procurement Office each week to provide assistance to the College community. Zoom link
Weekly Stretch Breaks
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Spring Professional Week 2022 Highlights
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Interim President, Dr. Charlene Dukes led the Spring 2022 Opening Meeting on Tuesday, January 18. The meeting focused on the theme "Embracing Change: Building the Next Normal" and featured a one-on-one with Dr. Dukes and Dr. Jermaine Williams, incoming Montgomery College president.
See the week’s schedules:
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Upcoming Pay DatesFirst full pay period in WorkdaySaturday, January 8 through Friday, January 21 (Workday payslip visible two days before pay day on January 26)
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Current guidance for MC employees as the College shifts back to full onsite, in‑person operations
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Join MC Employee Facebook Group
Stay up to date on the latest news by joining our private MC employee Facebook group. This group is only open to MC employees and will require approval to join.
Let’s stay connected.
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Back Issues of Employee Matters Newsletter Online
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Find current and previous issues of the Employee Matters newsletter, as well as other Human Resources and Strategic Talent Management (HRSTM) news and employee communications here.
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